Thursday 28 December 2017

Fighting adult acne

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera.. Its been a long break since my last entry.. Not that nothing is going on but i just don't feel like writing. 😅 forgive me.

So, as the title mentioned. I have been fighting for the adult acne for almost a year now. You would never know how frustrating it is to see your previously clear skin (not flawless of coarse) turned into sea of oil with multiple mountain peaks and scars (read: pimple & acne scars) mostly on the forehead.  It was painful to see and felt too. Its not that i do nothing bout it but sometimes i was too tired to try. Lots of money spent to multiple skincare product & facial treatment at spa. It will started to clear in the first week but come again in the 2 nd week. I do not know what exactly went wrong. Am i not patient enough or is it true that the product not suit me well? I truly do not know.

It was frustrating when at the age of mid 20's, your friend and juniors started become glowing, gorgeous and beautiful and you stucked up in teenage life fighting against acne again. 😣 luckily, i can hold myself and still go to public though with disastrous face.

Then, i just read a senior of mine wrote that this might be a test for me. Just being patient and start living. Every steps, every istighfar and every patient you made to calm yourself will always counted, inshaAllah..

So, i just share my routing here..

- Cetaphil oily cleanser
- Simple toner
- herbaline ampoule
- Tidact 1% gel (antibiotic gel as spot treatment)
- mary kay clearproof moisturiser
- Herbaline pimple cream (forehead only)
- bio- essence sunscreen

- Aztec Indian healing clay mask/ herbaline clay mask ( alternate daily. Yes, daily)
- toner
-the ordinary lactic acid 5% +HA 2%
-spot treatment
- pimple cream

Long enough? 😂 just imagine how i managed to gp thrpugh every steps. 😆
Hopefully, i would find the remedy for this battle. Tired enough to try already.

So, if u have any suggestion which also not too costly, please do let me know.. Thank you.

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