Monday 22 October 2012

INTERFAITH dialogue(last episode..)

Assalamualaikum... and Hello everyone!!
Finally, the last entry for Interfaith talk..


I took a week to write a talk which have the duration of about 4/5 hours..
(proven that i really not used in writing..I prefer speaking rather than writing....^.^)


Last but not least,

HINDUISM was explained by PROF. BALRAMA
I dont get his biodata..maybe u can hear during introduction of the video which i will upload later..

I am really sorry bcoz i cant get much info during his talk, as I fall asleep..
^.^...sorry again..huhu..

First n foremost, Prof BALRAMA state that this faith practice not preach..

Hinduism = Sanadhana Dharma(doctrind of Dharma)
as Veda is written in tamil which originated from sanskrit..


I dont understand my notes...
so, I guess let me write what I understand from my writing..*.*

God is source of goodness
Their aim is to obtain MOKSYA..
So, they belief that they are born in this world to achieve moksya..
If they DONT reach moksya after they die, they will be rebirth..
This always explain about the handicapped or something which not good..
They will claim that, these person do bad in their past life..

They also believe in trinity..

  1. BRAHMA-creator
  2. VISHNU- preserver
  3. SHIRA-god of destruction 

OK..thats all that i can understand from my notes..


Q&A session!!!!

ok, this time i already awake from my  dream..hihi..>.<

Q:please explain about afterlife in christian n Hindu.
A: Christian=they trust in eternal life after death
     Hindu=Rebirth(incarnation) until they achieve moksya

Q: Jesus is a god or a man?
A: Jesus is a God which sent to the earth and become man.He come to help us,the human for forgiveness.This show that Jesus appear as man and not show off his power.Thus, He fix only huge problems.

Q: Bible stated that women should wear hijab, but the christians did not follow except the 'sisters'.why?
A: The message of god is change according to the culture. Previously, Bible was (diturunkan) at middle east country. So, their culture allow them to follow. But, it changes according to the culture at certain places..

Q: If a person does not practice Islam, is he/she a muslim?
A:He/ She is not a good muslim YET.Have faith,do righteous did, worship God, enjoining one to truth with consistency considered a good muslim.(surah al-asr,?),(surah al-anbia,?),(surah al-baqarah,126)(surah al-maidah)(surah al-fussilat,46)

Q: In christian, there are protestant n catholic.why?while in Islam also have mazhab.why?are they show difference teaching?
A: Christian= there are no problem within both teaching but there are maybe few little things that they dont agree..
  Islam= diff mazhab show diff. school of thought.but still believe in the same teaching..juz differ in small/little things..not the main, it also depends on the scholar who understand arabic language(the quran) from different context.

Q:non muslim claim that Islam's God are far from us, as they cannot see Allah.
A: (surah al-kahf, 16),(surah al-isra',60),(surah al-ahzab),(surah al- baqarah,125).
  Allah is the creator not a, no physical state. So does we breath Oxygen..we cant see oxygen.but, we believe that oxygen is there in the air.



  • They are born to achieve moksha
  • enjoy ur life...but aim => moksha
  • Bless to us with everyhing in life

  • We have to make choci!!dont juz follow...
  • tolerance => acceptance

  • Do good, avoid Evil, PURIFY ur mind..
  • We have to learn about other religion
  • understand our religion deeply
  • practice our religion understandingly..(jgn wat taklid buta ye...= ikut-ikut..)

With that, I THANK YOU....^.^


Friday 19 October 2012

Interfaith dialogue cont.(Buddhism)

Assalamualaikum...n Selamat Sejahtera!!!

The talk was not ended yet...
Lets continue!!

The next speaker is UNCLE VIJAYA!!
Speaker for Buddhism..

About Uncle Vijaya

Uncle Vijaya Samarawickrama is a very inspiring and respected Buddhist teacher that has inspired many through the lens of Buddhism by his noble action in expounding the Dhamma. He graduated as a specialist in the Teaching of English as a Second Language from the Malayan Teachers’ Training College in Liverpool, England and later on a B.A.(Hons) in English and Linguistics from the University of Malaya and an M.A. (Drama and Theater). 

Thursday 18 October 2012


Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera!!

How was ur IMAN today???
I hope ur Iman is climbing higher n higher..insyaAllah..

I would like to share on something..

The Poster..(interesting,huh??)
Very interesting dialogue organized by MSA(Muslim Student Association) Taylor's college in collaboration with Christian Fellowship...

The topic is about 'THE CONCEPT OF GOD'
So, each of the speakers are advised EARLIER to state only the points in their belief only..

this is just a dialogue..

About the moderator,
His name is Fakhruddin (I'm not sure about the spelling..^^)
He is a very interesting guy, bcoz he first advised about WE should b RELAXED..
(He afraid that everyone will fall asleep during the sessions....but, I DID!!hehe )
he makes the atmosphere change from FORMAL AIR to CASUAL style..
I'm not sure about his position..
but, he is from Ikram n also represent Hidayah centre..
*The sponsors*

You know,
 he determine the turn by using paper pick (ala, mcm cabutan bertuah!!)
Childish..but interesting.. ^^

Sunday 7 October 2012

Dr. Zakir Naik's wave...

Assalamualaikum & Salam sejahtera...

How was ur iman today??
hope that our level of iman will always at the top...
I juz wanna share on my experience..
I went to a lecture by Dr. Zakir Naik in PWTC with my friends..

I am amazed looking at the crowd present..
the Tun Razak 1 Hall is a huge hall...but still alot of people dont get any seat..
The audience presents are mostly muslim but from different races..
I am proud to watch of large no of my relatives in Islam..although from different race n language..

The talk was great!!!

OOPS!!I forgot to mention that, TUN DR MAHATHIR WAS AROUND...

ok..back to Dr. Zakir Naik...
The topic was

He opened our mind about jihad..
He said that nowadays, there are lots of misconception on 'JIHAD'
Especially in media...
No matter within non muslim or even muslim ourselves..
JIHAD comes from word 'JAHADA' in arabic
which means "to strive / to struggle against evil/ for society matter / fight oppression....
So, even non-muslim practice jihad..
For example; when they try to stop their son to revert in is jihad..
Because they strive n struggle...


The true jihad is JIHAD FISABILILLAH...
but, only Allah know which jihad reach that level..

There are few type of jihad...
what i can catch from his high speed lecture was 
Jihad to fight our nafs(nafsu)
Jihad to change from bad to better person

(Surah Al- Furqan ) 
Jihad to the unbeliever is the best jihad..
By spreading the message of Quran..

"Man must have sword of INTELLIGENT 
not the sword of STEEL.."


The event that i'm waiting for..
I watched how Dr. Zakir Naik answered some of the questions by non-muslim...
He succeed to answer brilliantly..
He master every verse of Quran, Bible, Veda and also the budhisme..
He answer the question based on the verses...

Besides, there was also one moment that i feel amazed..
when i heard about a non-muslim believe in one god (which is Allah) and believe that Prophet Muhammad pbuh is the messenger of Allah..
She said that she will keep the syahadah with her children...


Such a great moment to watch this situation occur in Malaysia..
this look like umrah time in mecca..
different race, language, culture, skin tone..gathered in the name of ISLAM..


-Soldier Of Allah-

Wednesday 3 October 2012


Assalamualaikum n selamat sejahtera~!~
no idea to begin with 
This might be a kick-start 4 me to start writing..
First n foremost,i juz wanna say sorry if any of this content (which i still dont have plan in my mind.. ) disturb or hurt anybody...
this is juz a way for me to voice out my opinions...

So, may Allah will always guide me to write something which will benefit others...insyaAllah...

See u soon...Assalamualaikum..
