Wednesday 6 April 2016

Atkins Induction Phase

Lama dah x menulis di sini ye..
Ingatkan dah x wujud account ni..🙊🙊

Btw, entry kali ni nk share sket ttg ATKIN's diet..
Diet yg penuh kontroversi..
Mesti dah ramai yg pernah dgr ttg AD ni..
So, secara mudah, AD is about going for very low carbs diet (20g/day)
So, bila semua carbs dah dibakar, tinggallah lemak2 tepu di badan utk dibakar..
Ianya akan mengakibatkan proses yg dipanggil ketosis..

So, basically, I'm in my 2nd week but already re-induction phase day 3.
Berikut merupakan menu my first week and the weight for each day..

Day 1(53.7)
-bfast: non-sugar coffee+2 fried eggs
-lunch: sayur kangkung+telur dadar+3telur puyuh
-dinner: sayur kailan ikan masin +telur bistik
-total air masak 2L

Day 2 (53.6)
-bfast: green tea (no sugar)+aym goreng+telur mata+timun
-lunch: ikan keli sambal+coleslaw
-snack: ayam masak merah+kuah laksa johor+timun
-dinner: telur bistik+sayur kailan goreng with ayam
-total air: 3L

Day 3 (52.7)
-bfast: kopi kosong+scramble egg+telur rebus+tempe goreng
-lunch: daging tumis cili+tofu telur+sayur kangkung tumis
-dinner: telur dadar
-total air: 2L

Day 4 (52.2)
-bfast: 1/3 kopiko coffee+scramble egg+coleslaw
-lunch: ikan rebus& air asam+tempe goreng
-dinner: scramble egg +coleslaw
-cheat-1 buah tin
-total air: 2L

Day 5 (51.7)
-bfast: 2 boiled eggs+mayo
-lunch: tempoyak ikan patin + broccoli celur
-cheat: 1 keropok lekor+ 1/2 karipap kentang
-dinner: grilled black pepper chicken+salad +corn +flat white coffee

Day 6-alumrun (51.7)
-bfast: 2 quarter-boiled egg+1chocolate+1 date+a cup of instant coffee
-lunch: ayam bakar+daging masak kicap+salad
-cheat: cendol(minima gula+no cendol mee)
-dinner: telur rebus

So, basically day 6 tu ada larian..i have to run 5km. I've tried to run while on AD before but I couldnt stay so long. The stamina was very bad as I dont have any sugar in the body. So, I took sugary foods early on before the run. Just to make sure I can run throughout 5km..

I didnt continue to jot down my menu afterwards cz I had major cheating when I was eating fried rice while in a program.  As expected, the weight raise a bit to 52.5. Currently, I am in 52.0 and really hope to reduce more soon..

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