Wednesday 4 May 2016

AD journey

First and foremost, lets be silent for a while for what happened in Aleppo, Syria..
(If u didn't know bout it, go search for is not viral as France, but it cause more damage)

Sy masih berminat utk menulis ttg my AD journey..
It have been a month (x sangkaπŸ˜†πŸ˜†) since i start the journey.. 28/3/2016 was my first day of the AD journey.. Started with lots of courage, guides and menus to make sure i stay on the track.. Stumble multiple times in between (especially during weekends  and holidaysπŸ˜ͺ) I may not lose so much for an Atkiners, but its satisfying enough that I lose 3kg in a month.. As I always remember my Prof's advice to reduce the weight slowly, cause it may impair your metabolism/body system.. Still,  my family noticed my changes ( it pleased me alreadyπŸ˜†)

My new aim is to achieve my ideal weight, which is 45kg which i never achieved since secondary school (primary school not rememberπŸ˜…). I am not strictly on AD, but, i do stayed away from rice (or having very small amount, in front of my mumπŸ™ˆ), minimal breads, still big no for fruits, no sugary drinks, plenty plain water.. I wish that i could jog more but, lots of excuses by myself πŸ˜…

I really hope that I can maintain the current weight which is good enough..or lose even more, hopefully..

Just share my menu today:
Breakfast: 2 boiled egg masak sambal
Lunch: ikan goreng kunyit, pucuk manis masak lemak
Dinner: sardines, cucumber+sambal belacan

I never knew that i could survive with this diet without getting hungry..
I started to fall in love with Caesar salad n grilled chicken..
But, no money no talk lah.. Makan je lah apa yg ada..😁😁
Student lah kata kn.. So, farewell n see u again..

Sunday 17 April 2016

A date with myself

Apa khabar? Harapnya sihat belaka..

Today is 17/4/2016..
Selepas seminggu (or mungkin lebih) dok survey hair product or hair treatment available..
Akhirnya, tercapai juga hasrat nk buat hair treatment yg telah dipendam almost a year..
Mesti pelik kan tetiba je nk buat hair treatment ni? X de angin, x de ribut..
Sebenonye, cek ni da lama da rase rambut byk beno gugurnye..
Makin lama tgk, makin jelas kulit kepala..
Am I going to be bald?? 😱😱

Asbab itu, gigihlah diri ini mencari hair treatment or shampoo utk rambut gugur nih..
Bukan x pernah cuba gne anti hair fall shampoo, da bermacam cuba sampai tp x jumpa jugak yg sesuai..
Oleh itu, misi mencari hair treatment pn bermula..
Dulu pernah try cari kt batu pahat, tp semua kedai cina..
Dok timbang tara, mst x de tmpt khas utk kita2 yg bertudung idok?
So, tetiba muncullah term "salon muslimah" where only women allowed to go in..

Antara yg terbaca:
1. Jazirat el-rahah
2. Medina Ladies Salon
3. Chinta salon (by Fasha Sandha)

Selepas ditemui, maka bermulalah fasa surveying..
Of coarse lah melalui blog-walking..
Review after review, hati macam kuat nk g ke Jazirah el-rahah.. Sbb dye gne product yg terkenal, Schwazorkopf (camtu kot ejaannya)..
Tapi, salon dye kat Bangi je..
Kalau ikut hati, da gigih dah nk g..sanggup naik ktm n taxi( almaklumlah, kita x de kereta)
Siap plan nk g Zawara Coffee after treatment..huhu..

Then, teringat plak penah nampak UmmiMars aka kak Maria Elena promote 1 salon nih..muslimah salon, of coarse..
So, jumpa lah salon CAPELLO BY NINA..
Search punya search, dye ada 3 cawangan:
1. Bangi
2. Shah Alam
3. Ampang

Then, misi ber-google map mana tmpat paling dekat..
Akhirnya Ampang menjadi pilihan, where CAPELLO BY NINA is..

(Fuhh....panjang intro)

So, pagi2 tadi call terus buat appointment jam 2(takut full)
Then, after siap demo around12.30 terus rushing balik..
Jam 1.12 baru betul2 siap n ready utk bergerak... By public transport of coarse..

PPUKM➡️LRT Maluri➡️LRT Ampang➡️Taxi ke salon

Sampai just in time..
Org yg in-charge x de, kite solat dulu..(kt situ ada surau..meskipun x brp besar tp, oklah)
Then, bermula lah sesi rawatan..
I chose Scalp Treatment.. Dye ada suggest moisture treatment gak, tp kita ckp je not sure.. Dye x de lah paksa..
Akak yg in-charge tu cm senyap sket..Try jugak tanya few things, awal2 tu suara x brp nk dgr.. N jwpn dye pn sepatah2 je.. At last, kita senyap jelah..
Dah habis tu akk tu n manager (kot) tanya sama ada nk potong rambut x? Dengan penuh yakin, kita tolak lagi(sgtlah defensive time tu..Tp, kalau diorg pujuk tu boleh cair jugak sbnrnye..huhu)

Then, i'm done..

Its really a memorable first experience pegi salon..before ni potong rambut pn ayah potong kan..😁😁

Habis around 3.30pm.. My lunch time passed, so gotta get something for late lunch..
Plan asal nk cari sweetree, a Korean halal, sbb dah penat n cm serabut je jln situ maka kita tgklah apa yg ada di depan mata..

Nandos vs secret recipe 😍😍

Sbb fikir harga SR cm melambung sgt, kita pon dgn berani dan penuh yakin masuk ke Nando's utk makan..sorg2.. 😒😒
Dilema lagi utk fikir menu yg masih menepati my AD..
Salad shj or nk ayam??
I go for normal main dish with just 1 side dish..
1/4 chicken n coleslaw..
No more bottomless ice lemon tea for me..A mineral water instead..πŸ˜ͺ
Total harga: RM22.60 (include 10% service charge)

Then, headed home happily..😁😁
Tp, kene singgah tbs dlu utk beli tiket balik labour day..


Kat situ, temptation occurs..coolblog..😭
I went for black Choc without sugar..
Hopefully, x lah rosak sgt my AD..huhu

LRT BTS➡️LRT BTR➡️Taxi to my dearest college

So, that's all my journey..
The unexpected one..

Thursday 7 April 2016

Atkins diet re-induction day 4

Tiba-tiba rajin pulak nk update blog kn..πŸ™ˆ
 Seperti post sblm ni, i've started Atkins currently week 2..
Masuk minggu ke 2 ni, da x larat dah nk tulis every menu n weight everyday..
Tp, i still checked on my weight just too lazy to jot down..

So, sebenarnya this post more towards how AD change my view n lifestyle(though i am still struggling to follow it)

1. It change my view on the foods n eating
-AD induction phase targeting the person to STOP eat any carbs include rice(our staple food), any sugar or sweet food (bye desserts😭😭), any fruits (as it contain sugar) and any bread or anything that have flour.
-so, whats left to eat? Hehe.. We still have our proteins, veges and fats to munch on..
-the maximum amount of carbs allowed in this phase is 20g.
-thus, i have to look and scan all the foods which will fit for my diet plan.
- I see, our eating habits as Malaysian was TOO HIGH CARBOHYDRATES including sugar.
-as for breakfast, we tend to drink sugary drinks, fried rice or noodles and some kuih.. All contain carbs. how many will be burned to be used as energy?  Only a little. And the rest will be transfer to fat. So, though we didnt take too much food, its just in our society.

2. AD makes my life more energetic.
-i may not run fast when i'm in AD as i'm easily fatigue.
-but, i can start my day earlier, fresher and no need of daily caffeine dose( i am a coffee addict. Which makes me even harder to start the journey)

3. AD makes me to drink plenty of plain water.
- i am not a fan of plain water. For me, caffeinated and sweet drink would suit my taste bud better.
- however, in AD i have to restrain myself from drink sweet drinks. Thus, i will always drink pleantu of plain water without i realize that i had 3 Litres of it.
- it helps with my craving, hunger and hydration. πŸ˜‰

So, last week i already lost 2kg in a week but i have consulted my Dr and he advised me to go slower on losing my weight.. Because it may disturbs my metabolism. So, the days onward i will cheats every once and then to make sure i dont lose weight too fast. πŸ˜ͺ but, i still keep on the diet and hoping that i can achieve my target weight soon..

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Atkins Induction Phase

Lama dah x menulis di sini ye..
Ingatkan dah x wujud account ni..πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

Btw, entry kali ni nk share sket ttg ATKIN's diet..
Diet yg penuh kontroversi..
Mesti dah ramai yg pernah dgr ttg AD ni..
So, secara mudah, AD is about going for very low carbs diet (20g/day)
So, bila semua carbs dah dibakar, tinggallah lemak2 tepu di badan utk dibakar..
Ianya akan mengakibatkan proses yg dipanggil ketosis..

So, basically, I'm in my 2nd week but already re-induction phase day 3.
Berikut merupakan menu my first week and the weight for each day..

Day 1(53.7)
-bfast: non-sugar coffee+2 fried eggs
-lunch: sayur kangkung+telur dadar+3telur puyuh
-dinner: sayur kailan ikan masin +telur bistik
-total air masak 2L

Day 2 (53.6)
-bfast: green tea (no sugar)+aym goreng+telur mata+timun
-lunch: ikan keli sambal+coleslaw
-snack: ayam masak merah+kuah laksa johor+timun
-dinner: telur bistik+sayur kailan goreng with ayam
-total air: 3L

Day 3 (52.7)
-bfast: kopi kosong+scramble egg+telur rebus+tempe goreng
-lunch: daging tumis cili+tofu telur+sayur kangkung tumis
-dinner: telur dadar
-total air: 2L

Day 4 (52.2)
-bfast: 1/3 kopiko coffee+scramble egg+coleslaw
-lunch: ikan rebus& air asam+tempe goreng
-dinner: scramble egg +coleslaw
-cheat-1 buah tin
-total air: 2L

Day 5 (51.7)
-bfast: 2 boiled eggs+mayo
-lunch: tempoyak ikan patin + broccoli celur
-cheat: 1 keropok lekor+ 1/2 karipap kentang
-dinner: grilled black pepper chicken+salad +corn +flat white coffee

Day 6-alumrun (51.7)
-bfast: 2 quarter-boiled egg+1chocolate+1 date+a cup of instant coffee
-lunch: ayam bakar+daging masak kicap+salad
-cheat: cendol(minima gula+no cendol mee)
-dinner: telur rebus

So, basically day 6 tu ada larian..i have to run 5km. I've tried to run while on AD before but I couldnt stay so long. The stamina was very bad as I dont have any sugar in the body. So, I took sugary foods early on before the run. Just to make sure I can run throughout 5km..

I didnt continue to jot down my menu afterwards cz I had major cheating when I was eating fried rice while in a program.  As expected, the weight raise a bit to 52.5. Currently, I am in 52.0 and really hope to reduce more soon..